Thursday, 31 December 2020

The best music of the 1970's (a playlist in 8 parts)

Finally i have got round to tackling the only decade i hadn't yet had a crack at, the decade i was brought into this crazy place, the gloriously unfashionable 1970's. In the past i had dismissed the 70's due the fact the fashions were awful, life was pretty bleak for many people and much of the music got dated very quickly but looking back 40 years on with some perspective it was actually a very vibrant decade for music and a lot of the music that sounded dated by the start of the new millennium is now cool again because of that nostalgic lens we all have.

Another reason i hadn't done a 70's playlist before is because until the last 10 years i was still unaware of a lot of the best stuff to come out of that decade but thanks to the internet and having a lot of time on my hands i am now fully schooled and thanks to the increased amount of music on Spotify today i am finally able to present this playlist for y'all

