Soooooo sometime towards the end of 2018 i realised we were almost 20 years into this new millennium and although certain things about the last two decades have ended up depressing us a wee bit such as the war on terror, the rise of the right, the increasing gap between the 1% and the rest, continued wars in Africa and the Middle East, Brexit, the X Factor, Donald Trump and the perplexing rise of Ed Sheeran there has thankfully also been amazing movies, video games, TV series and music to help us forget about all of the above so i decided to make my next project a comprehensive list of the best music of the millennium so far.
So below are 1863 songs from 1863 different artists from all over the world for you to enjoy placed in a list in such a way to fit seamlessly as a whole despite containing a wide range of genres and placed into easy(er) to consume spotify playlists. So you can scan the list below or just click on the links above the list if you don't want any spoilers
It will be interesting to see how many of these artists/tunes make the final list in 980 years time. If someone could please cryogenically freeze me and wake me up in 3000 so i could find out that would be awesome
Love and eternal peace
over and out